Workshop Meetings

Workshop meeting 1 (1/6): Today we discussed our ideas for the robot and how we can use each other’s ideas to create a wholesome product. Our town hall style meeting consisted of drawing models and breaking up into groups to explore the different methods of completing tasks. We also decided on which strategy we should take in order to maximize our points in the game! We are ready to START WORKING!!

Workshop meeting 2 (1/8): We started CADing our finalized ideas. We decided on creating a forklift to lift the Power cubes and possibly use it for climbing. We also discussed the possibility of lifting our alliance’s robots by using pneumatic pistons. We would have plates where the alliance robots would park, and the pistons would then push the plates 12” off the ground.


Workshop meeting 3 (1/11): The robot’s chassis was finally assembled today by the new members. We also worked on the roller grip arms for the forklift mechanism. The CAD team finally finished their CADs for the prototypes and the chassis. We received our two speed gearbox and tried installing it into our chassis, but we encountered a problem. The shaft that connected the two speed gearbox to the wheels was two inches too short. How will we fix this? Read our next blog to find out!


Workshop meeting 4 (1/13): Today we finished the two speed gearbox and attached half of the wheels. We found an extension that attaches to the shaft and extends it so that the wheels fit. The media team started creating a logo for this year’s game. Are we going to keep the shield logo or are we going to create something different?? You’ll see!! We began prototyping the arms and started designing the lift.


Workshop meeting 5 (1/15): We attached the other half of the wheels to mirror the completed side. We fastened the wheels to the chassis and tested to see if it worked. We tested most of the things we completed and tried to test any prototypes that were created the day of. The lift ideas were discussed and a consensus was made on the materials we used to lift the robots. We tested as much as we could, so that before the snow we would be on a good track!!

Workshop meeting 6 (1/20): This was our first workshop meeting after the snow. Our mechanical subteams got started with pneumatics for our forklift and two-speed gearbox, continued their prototypes for the forklift, and attached the pistons for the lift system. They also finished the winch system for the forklift. Upstairs, the software team got the raspberry pi’s working for a to-do monitor setup for the two floors of the workshop. The monitors will output what is in progress and what the status of the task is in and tested software for pneumatics.The media subteam designed and were able to create this years buttons based on the 8-bit theme. The business team finished the Chairman’s application and started creating their video. We are excited to be back and ready to work harder than ever!